ChatGPT Can Now Access the Internet – Top 10 prompts for ChatGPT Browse with Bing

  • 2023.09.29
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ChatGPT Can Now Access the Internet – Top 10 prompts for ChatGPT Browse with Bing

ChatGPT now has access to live internet data and no longer limited to it’s training data which ended in 2021. They first released this months ago but quickly removed it and it’s finally back today.

Let me show you how to activate it first, and then I’ll show you 10 ways you can use it for both personal and work tasks.

Right now, this option is only available on ChatGPT plus users but I’ll show you another way you can get it too. It should be coming to the free version of ChatGPT soon.

If you don’t have ChatGPT plus, go to and click on Chat. Click on creative mode and that is powered by ChatGPT and has live web access.

Back on ChatGPT, make sure this option is activated from the settings menu.

Then, hover over GPT-4 and choose browse with Bing. If you don’t need access to up to date information, the default option is still very useful.

Let me share 10 prompts you can use with ChatGPT’s browse with Bing.

Prompt 1: Any events happening nearby in the next month I should know about? Here is my zip code

Prompt 2: Give me a quick summary of the news for today in bullet point format. Focus mainly on world news.

Prompt 3: Get a quick recap or summary of any page:
“Recap this page in 5 bullet points”

Prompt 4: Give me a 300 word summary from (insert link)

Prompt 5: Shopping and Product Comparisons
You can quickly compare two or more items and get a side by side comparison from a web link.

I’ll use this link for example to compare the new iPhones.

Prompt 6: Fact-check information by searching for reliable sources.
You can paste text into ChatGPT to verify its resources.
“Verify the accuracy of following information and provide sources”

Prompt 7: Find new entertainment.
Find the top 10 movies I can watch right now. Create a table and give me the answer here.

Prompt 8: Please visit my website (insert website URL). Give me 10 suggestions for improvements that I can implement.

Prompt 9: Please visit my website at and then provide HTML and CSS code to add a yellow banner on top that says ‘Special Offer’

Prompt 10: Explore recent developments in a field of interest to spark new ideas.
“Give me the latest developments in space explorations”

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