Google Slides AI Tool that Creates Your Whole Presentation!

Google Slides AI Tool that Creates Your Whole Presentation!

In today’s video, I want to talk about a tool that is used in Google Slides that can literally make your whole presentation from scratch! I think this tool is useful in terms of creating a basic outline and generating some basic slides for you, and you can definitely use this tool out in order to speed up your homework or projects when you want to present. You still have to put a bit of effort in terms of finding pictures, and maybe expanding on the points a little bit, but it does a good job overall in gathering information and formatting the slides for you!

Here’s the link to the tool (again, I am in no way affiliated with the tool nor am I responsible for your account with the tool):
Thank you for watching my video! Hope you enjoyed it and don’t forget to subscribe for more content like these~

Instagram: @jeremy.lesmana

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