AI Mythbusters: ChatGPT is Connected to The Web? No One Color Images in Midjourney? AI Trump?

  • 2023.03.14
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AI Mythbusters: ChatGPT is Connected to The Web? No One Color Images in Midjourney? AI Trump?

AI Mythbusters: ChatGPT is connected to the web? No One Color Images in Midjourney? AI Trump?

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Welcome to the AI Mythbusters series, where we explore some of the most popular myths about Artificial Intelligence and put them to the test. In this episode, we are going to tackle three intriguing myths: Is ChatGPT really connected to the web? Can one really not see color images during a mid-journey? And last but not least, is AI capable of becoming the next Trump?


00:00 AI Mythbusters Intro
00:06 ChatGPT Midjourney AI Myths
