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What if you could send out thousands of ChatGPT-customized Google Docs or PDF proposals to your prospects?
With your branding, their company name, whatever links you wanted (to book a call with you etc), and GPT-generated custom ideas about how your business can help them.
With this automation, I show you how to do it
It uses code + ChatGPT to:
-go to someone’s website
-extract the website text
-figure out the company name
-write GPT prompts that take the website text and do things like — generate YouTube title/outline ideas, generate marketing plans, and so on (the only limit is your skill at writing prompts)
-put it all together into a professional proposal for them (which you can automatically send them the link to in an email campaign, integrate into a custom field in your email marketing software etc)
Here are the full setup instructions, including:
-detailed screenshots for how to set it up
-the exact sample docs I show in the video
-all source code imports (in Make/Integromat)
-how to customize the template (change font/layout, prompts, number of fields, etc)
-example use cases (ie, types of proposals you could generate, integrating this with your email list, cold email, email subject lines/attachments etc)
Let me know in the comments if you come up with any cool use case ideas