MAXIMIZE Your Reading with ChatGPT’s NEW Advanced Voice Mode

  • 2024.08.14
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MAXIMIZE Your Reading with ChatGPT’s NEW Advanced Voice Mode

ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode will change how we learn and read.

It’s like having a personal tutor who can talk about any subject 24/7

I’ve been using it to dive deep into Greek philosophy. Here’s how it works:

1. Lie on the couch, phone above you
2. Start reading
3. Ask questions whenever curiosity strikes
4. Get instant, contextual answers

It’s a game-changer for learning:

• Maintains reading flow
• Encourages curiosity
• Provides instant context
• Enables deeper understanding

The result? I’m asking more questions than ever, feeling like a kid again.

The future of learning is here, and it’s voice-activated.
