What is CHATGPT?

  • 2022.12.15
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What is CHATGPT?

What is CHATGPT 🤔
👉 CHATGPT is a new AI Chat Bot – it’s like a search engine…and some people are saying it’s better than Google!

You can use CHATGPT by entering a query or telling it what you want. For example, you could write things like:
– “Show me how to build a tent”
– “Write a text message apologising to my partner”
– “Write a blog about how to be a good salesperson”

And it will spit something out! But Google can help with these things too, right?

So what’s so different about CHATGPT?

1. It has the ability of reasoning. Rather than just giving us information, it can assess this information and explain it to us using reason. For example, it could explain Quantum Physics and explain Pokémon and then explain how they relate to each other. Google can’t do this.

2. It has memory. If you engage with CHATGPT, it remembers the queries you search for. This means that it can change the type of answers it gives you based on how it perceives your responses, in order to please you.

What do you think about CHATGPT? Let us know in the comments 😃

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